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Dr. Helene LeBlanc

Dr. Hélène N. LeBlanc

Graduate Researchers

Steph Kolodij

Stephanie Kolodij (MSc candidate)

Topic: Forensic Entomology & Chemical Ecology

Study of decomposing human and porcine VOCs using GC-MS and coupled GC-EAG

Alycia Saddler

Alycia Saddler (MSc Candidate)

Topic: Integrated Pest Management

Study of VOCs and biting flies associated with dairy farms using GC-MS and GC-EAG

Undergraduate Researchers

Sarah Toebes

Sarah Toebes (Health Science)

STAR Award Recipient

Topic: Integrated Pest Management

Study the effect of certain VOCs on Stable Fly, Stomoxis clacitrans

Nicole Crawford

Nicole Crawford (Forensic Science Program)

Research Assistant

Topic: Forensic Entomology

Study the effect of certain VOCs on hairy maggot blowfly, Chrysomya rufifacies

Lab Alumni

Jenna Comstock

Jenna Comstock, PhD

Topic: Forensic Chemistry

Elucidation of the Lipid Degradation Process in Soft Tissue and Fluid During Decomposition, in the Presence and Absence of Insects

Katie Bygarski

Katie Bygarski, MSc

Topic: Forensic Entomology

Arthropod Succession in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory and Compared Development of Protophormia terraenovae (R.-D.) from Beringia and the Great Lakes Region

Jessica Lam, BSc

Research Assistant (2012-2014)

Benjamin Lee, BSc

Undergraduate Research Student (2013-2014)

Emily Rolko, BSc

Undergraduate Research Student (2013-2014)

Alicia Buetter, BSc

Research Assistant (2010-2012)

Kelly Robinson, BSc

NSERC USRA Award Recipient (2011)