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 Most recent research projects

  • Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO): --   Characterizing and predicting traffic operations using Connected & Autonomous Vechicle technology stack
  • Alberta Innovates/ Sask Wheat  Funding Consortium --A Smart Trap and Software System for Detecting and Quantifying Wireworms to Optimize Management  
  • Prairie Robotics /Mitacs -- Deep Learning Dataset Augmentation for Detecting Rare and Severe Contaminants in Waste Management Collection   
  • Prairie Robotics /Mitacs   ---   StreamSight: Deep Learning Techniques for Managing Contaminants in Residential Curbside Recycling  
  • PTRC/ Mitacs --- “Machine Learning Assisted History Matching of Water flooding of Light and Tight Reservoirs”            
  • NSERC DG  --Seamless Coordination of Cyber-Physical Systems Resources 
  • ORF, IBM --- iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Cities, Led by E. Miller (UofT).           
  • CANARIE  -- ONE-ITS: Online Network Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems             
  • GEOIDE  -- TrafficPulse: A participator mobile urban web for Intelligent Green Transportation