Research Summary
- Applications Domains
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Safe Agriculture Mechanization
- Age-friendly communities and cities
- Research in Software Systems Engineering for :
- Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
- Multi-modal deep machine learning
- Big Data Analytics & Governance/ Internet of Things
- Software Process Management, Software User and Requirements Analysis, Software Analysis and Testing, Software Design
- Distributed/Cloud computing, Wireless and Wired Networking, and Vehicular Systems.
External research funding: My research team was awarded more than $3 Million over 30 research projects where I was a PI or Co-PI including competitive international, national, provincial, and industrial grants and contracts. Funding agencies included:
- NSERC (DG and Engage),
- Ministry of Transport Ontario (MTO), Transport Canada, Sask. Highways, ETR 407 Inc,
- Prairie Robotics Inc, WestGrid, PTRC, WED, Communities of Tomorrow, HajjCore,
- Journal papers: IEEE JSAC, Elsevier Future Generations Computer Systems and Elsevier Applied Soft Computing
- Book chapters with CRC Press, McGrow Hill, LNCS, IGI global
- IEEE core conferences such as IEEE IV, IEEE PerCom, IEEE GlobeCom, IEEE VTC, IEEE IM
- Technical and industrial reports to funding agencies.