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RWE-CAF Research Network

rwe-caf research network logo blackFunded by the MINDS Program, the Network for Research on Hateful Conduct and Right-Wing Extremism in the CAF (RWE-CAF Research Network), led by Dr. Barbara Perry from Ontario Tech University and Dr. David Hofmann from the University of New Brunswick, brings together Canada’s leading scholarly experts and practitioners who will examine policy-relevant issues on hateful conduct and right-wing extremism (RWE) in the CAF.           

Our network operates with regional “hubs” within Ontario, Atlantic Canada, Quebec, and Western Canada. Each of these hubs is led by a senior network scholar, who directs and conducts regional specific research aimed at understanding the breadth, depth, and extent of hateful conduct and RWE in the CAF. 

Ontario: led by Dr. Barbara Perry, Network Lead (Ontario Tech University) and Dr. Leah West (Carleton University)

Atlantic Canada: led by Dr. David Hofmann, Network Lead (University of New Brunswick)

Quebec: led by Dr. Samuel Tanner (Université de Montréal) and Dr. Aurélie Campana (Université Laval)

Western Canada: led by Dr. Garth Davies (Simon Fraser University)