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  • Domestic and Global Patterns in the Nexus Between the Military and Right-Wing Extremism (March 29th)

    Information on registration below image.

    Please note that this is a hybrid event. In-person space is limited. 



    To attend in-person, please click here to register. Please note that in-person space is limited to 25 seats. 
    Location: University of Ottawa, 75 Laurier Avenue East Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5 (Simard 330, SMD)

    To attend virtually, please click here to register. 


    8:30-9:30 Dr. Barbara Perry

    Title: Laying a Foundation: Right-Wing Extremism in Canada

    9:30-10:30 Dr. Dominique Laferrière & Justin Wright  

    Title: Addressing Hateful Conduct in the context of the Canadian Armed Forces


    10:45-11:45 Dr. Yannick Veilleux Lepage

    Title: A Comparative Analysis of Countering Right-Wing Extremism in NATO Armed Forces

    11:45-12:45 Dr. Daniel Koehler

    Title: Exploring the RWE-Military Nexus: Key Issues for Future Research


    1:30-2:30 Dr. Hazel Atuel

    Title: The Military Radicalization (MRad) Project: Preliminary Findings on Right-Wing Extremism

    2:30-3:30 Dr. David Hofmann

    Title: Examining Push and Pull Factors in Canadian Far-right Extremism


    3:45-4:45 Dr. Philip McCristall

    Title: Mapping Socio-Cultural Factors that Contribute to Right-Wing Extremist Ideology Among Canadian Military Personnel

  • Emerging Scholars Symposium (February 27th)
    To listen to the speakers and join the event virtually, please click here to register. 
    Schedule of event is below image. 


    8:00am | Welcome from Dr. Barbara Perry

    8:10am | Philip McCristall, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Ontario Tech University

    Title: Mapping Socio-Cultural Factors and Right-Wing Extremist Ideology among Canadian Military Personnel

    8:40am | Vincent Bélanger, Recent Graduate, Carleton University

    Title: On Military Culture and Extremism: A Theoretical Analysis of the Male-Warrior Archetype and Canadian Veterans Joining the Far-Right

    9:10am | Natasha Stirrett, Recent PhD Graduate, Carleton University

    Title: Exclusion and Inclusion: Fraught Relations and Conversations around Right-Wing Extremism, Indigeneity/Blackness, and the Military

    9:55am | Tyler Wentzell, SJD Candidate, University of Toronto

    Title: Blackshirts in Khaki: The Canadian Military’s Experience with Fascists in Uniform, 1938-1945

    10:25am | Marshall Gerbrandt, PhD Student, University of New Brunswick

    Title: Educating Culture through Adult Learning in the Canadian Armed Forces

    11:00am | Virtual Keynote: Dr. Daniel Koehler

    PhD, German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies