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Sustainable Development Goals

The following are the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and demonstrates Ontario Tech's efforts to support these goals, in the progression towards a sustainable future.
Ontario Tech fosters the concept of zero poverty through financial resources for students in need including the Student Access Guarantee, General bursary assistance, emergency assistance, grocery cards, and student employment
program, donor awards and government support, as well supporting our employees with a standard above minimum wage. The university further offers a cross-faculty minor in sustainability to promote educator leaders for the future, in hopes to minimize poverty on a global scale.

Ontario Tech has a community garden in which excess produce is donated back to local food banks and soup kitchens for those in need. 

Ontario Tech further carries on a variety of food donation drives. 

Good Health and Well-Being

SDG #3

Initiatives On Campus - Good Health and Well-Being
Ontario Tech recieved the Healthy Workplace Award (Gold) in 2016. Through the Healthy Workplace Committee, and the inclusion of a gym pass in tuition, Ontario Tech promotes a healthy environment for students, staff and faculty. This includes Mental health services, health resources, Campus Connected, and events such as Yoga in the Park, We Grow Trees, Ontario Tech Community Garden, Yoga in the Dark and more!
The university upholds the Canadian standards of education through institutional standards, and continues to focus on innovation to continue improving.
Ontario Tech promotes gender equality through stict policies on Wellness and Inclusivity, Discrimination and Harassment, and sexual violence prevention strategies. Ontario Tech also promotes gender equality through inclusion of publicly accessible gender-neutral bathrooms throughout campus.

Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG #6

Initiatives On Campus - Clean Water and Sanitation

Ontario Tech emphasizes its efforts of water conservation through exceptional grey water and storm water systems. 

Research on clean water and sanitation is also conducted, including Stormwater management. 

Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG #7

Initiatives On Campus - Affordable and Clean Energy

Ontario Tech has a variety of energy conservation and clean energy strategies. Theres include 

Solar Panels 

  • Ontario Tech has solar panels located at 61 Charles, CERL, SIRC, West Colonnade of Polonsky Commons, and at the Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability. 
  • These panels generated over 2254800 kwhs in 2019 alone. 

Geothermal System

  • Ontario Tech has the largest geothermal system in Canada, with 1500 tonne Borehole Thermal Energy Storage System. 
  • This system links to the buildings to minimize heating, ventiliation and air conditioning demands on these buildings.

Phase Change Material (PCM)

  • Phase Change Material is a non-toxic, naturally occuring substance insulation with a thermal capacity of 100btu's per square foot minimizing the energy consumption of these buildings even further. 

Ontario Tech also includes a variety of energy efficient features, including vegetative roofs, solar shading, natural lighting, and more.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG #8

Initiatives On Campus - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Ontario Tech recieved the Healthy Workplace Award (Gold) in 2016. Through the Healthy Workplace Committee, and the inclusion of a gym pass in tuition, Ontario Tech promotes a healthy environment for students, staff and faculty. This includes Mental health services, health resources, Campus Connected, and events such as Yoga in the Park, We Grow Trees, Ontario Tech Community Garden, Yoga in the Dark and more!

Ontario Tech further provides students work opportunities on campus. 

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

SDG #9

Initiatives On Campus - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

The office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability promotes sustainability infrastructure throughout campus and a strong emphasis on innovation through out institute. 

Sustainable Infrastructure includes:

Solar Panels 

  • Ontario Tech has solar panels located at 61 Charles, CERL, SIRC, West Colonnade of Polonsky Commons, and at the Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability. 
  • These panels generated over 2254800 kwhs in 2019 alone. 

Geothermal System

  • Ontario Tech has the largest geothermal system in Canada, with 1500 tonne Borehole Thermal Energy Storage System. 
  • This system links to the buildings to minimize heating, ventilation and air conditioning demands on these buildings. 

LED Lighting Retrofits

  • Each building is designed around a central atrium providing natural light to all floors, however additional high efficiency LED retrofits were done in each building. 

This also includes consultation with OCIS prior to RFPs, continuing energy retrofits, upkeeping building standards and more. 

Reduced Inequality

SDG #10

Initiatives On Campus - Reduced Inequality

Ontario Tech is an Employer Partner with the Canadian Centre of Diversity and Inclusion, which provides a variety of resources, and has a Diversity and Equity Committee on campus. 

Ontario Tech offers cultural competence training and activities available to all students, staff and faculty. 

Additionally, Ontario Tech has a Presidents Equity Taskforce, focusing on groups most likely to experience barriers, such as indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2+ persons, racialized persons and women to promote equity, diversity and inclusion.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG #11

Initiatives On Campus - Sustainable Cities and Communities
Ontario Tech supports sustainable cities and communities by creating business and career opportunities throughout Oshawa, and support of public transit.

Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG #12

Initiatives On Campus - Responsible Consumption and Production

Ontario Tech has a variety of consumption standards, including E-waste management, Ink cartridge, pen and battery recycling programs, as well as ensuring appropriate disposal of metal and lightbulbs throughout campus. 

Ontario Tech additionally has Step Forward Paper; an 80% tree-free and chlorine free paper from agricultural waste. The institution also installed 32 hydration stations, and gives reusable water bottles to each campus member to reduce single-use plastic bottles in landfills. 

Ontario Tech enforces Green Procurement Goods and Services policies.

Ontario Tech Blue team runs Thrift Swap to reduce waste and give to those in need.

Climate Actions

SDG #13

Initiatives On Campus - Climate Actions
Ontario Tech strives for Climate Action through reduction of GHGs through electric fleet vehicles, and campus-wide energy conservation measures (see Goals #7 and #9).

Life Below Water

SDG #14

Initiatives On Campus - Life Below Water
Ontario Tech supports the efforts of the one-of-a-kind Aquatic Toxicology Lab on campus in promoting health of life below water.

Ontario Tech promotes life on land through natural landscaping practices, nature cleanups and the Campus Apiary. 

Campus Apiary

  •  There are currently over 40 beehives at the Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability. Bees are a keystone species, and therefore support of honey bees supports the surrounding environment as well. These are supported through pollinator friendly habitats and foods, such as our wildflower gardens on campus.

Tree Nursery 

  • Our tree nursery is home to a variety of native coniferous and deciduous trees. With the Ontario 50 million tree program, Forest Ontario and Ethic Tree we planted 7520 trees in 2019 alone. 

Peace and Justice

SDG #16

Initiatives On Campus - Peace and Justice

Ontario Tech promotes Peace and Justice thorough a variety of social justice related guest speakers through each department.

Ontario Tech also offers a Political Science degree in the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. This interdisciplinary major draws on faculty strengths in political science,
sociology, public policy, history, geography, philosophy, legal studies and economics
to give you a multidisciplinary integrated background.

Partnership for the Goals

SDG #17

Initiatives on Campus - Partnership for the Goals
Ontario Tech supports partnership for the goals by following the United Nations standards or Sustainable Development Goals, and collaborating with various faculties, other institutions and community members to work towards a sustainable future.