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Environmental days

Earth Hour

Saturday, March  25 (8:30 to 9:30 p.m. local time)

As Canadians, we choose a future where climate change is no longer a threat. Participating in World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) Earth Hour is a simple way to show you want to be a part of the solution, and it sends a powerful message that together we can make a difference. This year when people turn off their lights, we want them to take A Moment of Darkness: a moment of reflection, introspection; a moment to choose a future where climate change is no longer a threat.

Earth Day

Saturday, April 22

Earth Day is an environmental event that celebrates environmental respect, action and behaviour change that lessens our impact on the earth.

Community Cleanup

Sunday, April 16 to Saturday, April 22

In 2015, almost 19,000 students, community groups, homeowners and businesses ‘pitched-in’ by cleaning up parks, trails, school yards and open spaces.

International Migratory Bird Day

Saturday, May 14

International Migratory Bird Day brings attention to bird migration and conservation. In 2017, the focus will be on the importance of stopover sites and bird habitats in the Americas. We recognize the capacity of citizens in every country to support programs and laws that protect birds and their habitats, including a landmark treaty that, for the last century, has protected nearly all migratory bird species in the U.S. and Canada: the Migratory Bird Treaty.

International Day for Biological Diversity

Monday, May 22

The aim is to bring awareness surrounding biodiversity issues, the variety of life on Earth. The theme this year is Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism. Why is it important? Biological diversity helps economic growth, food security, human health and water.

World Environment Day

Monday, June 5

Canada will host World Environment Day in 2017! The theme last year was Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Trade in Wildlife. Living within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future. Human prosperity need not cost the Earth. Living sustainably is about doing more and better with less. It is about knowing that rising rates of natural resource use and the environmental impacts that occur are not a necessary by-products of economic growth.

World Oceans Day

Thursday, June 8

The theme this year is: Our Oceans, Our Future. Plastic is a serious problem in our oceans. It chokes and kills animals like sea turtles, whales and sea birds because animals think it is food. Let’s move towards a solution and reduce the amount of plastic we use and throw out. Start by replacing disposable plastic bags and bottles with reusable options, and avoid buying products that contain microbeads or plastic packaging. 

National Forest Week

Sunday, September 18 to Saturday, September 24

Last year’s theme was Wildfire in Canada. Fire has shaped Canada’s forests, prairies and parklands for countless generations, and brings healthy renewal to diverse ecosystems. But some fires can have a devastating impact on public safety and property. Use FireSmart principles to help protect your family and property from wildfire damage; play a role in control.

National Tree Day

Wednesday, September 27

National Tree Day is a celebration and reminder to appreciate the benefits trees provide: clean air, wildlife habitat, reducing energy demand and connecting with nature.

Waste Reduction Week in Canada

Monday, October 16 to Sunday, October 22

It is waste reduction week and it is time to reduce, reuse and recycle! Challenge yourself to make environmentally conscious choices in your daily life.