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collage of diverse animalsrepresenting biodiversity

Biodiversity at Ontario Tech

Parts of Ontario Tech University are situated along ecologically significant areas that are home to a diverse group of animals, plants, and fungi. These species that call our campus home, contribute to vital ecosystem functions such as soil fertilization, nutrient cycling, pest regulation and pollination. Learning about biodiversity right here at Ontario Tech fosters a deeper connection with nature and a greater understanding on why it is important to preserve it.

How does Ontario Tech preserve biodiversity?

Ontario Tech is dedicated to preserving biodiversity through various initiatives. We prioritize creating diverse habitats and have implemented bird window collision markers, pollinator fields, and bat houses to provide shelter and support for many different species. In 2023 we planted 484 trees, 86 shrubs, 7.5 hectares of wildflowers to contribute to the preservation of the pollinator population. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in practices such as tree planting, avoiding herbicide use, and harnessing renewable energy sources. Through workshops, educational walks and social media posts, we raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity.