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On campus

Campuswide efficiency measures

  • All new buildings are made with recycled concrete.
  • 100 per cent incandescent bulb phased out to LED campus-wide modeled reduction of approximately 85 kilowatts of demand.
  • Occupancy sensor lighting systems and dimmable lighting systems applied in classrooms and offices across campus.
  • Installed compactors for waste compression.
  • 65 advanced power meters installed within university buildings for accurate energy-use recordings.
  • Changed paper supply to only recycled content and wheat-derived products.
  • Waste Wise campaign aimed at educating students and staff about waste streaming and responsible consumption.
  • Installation of 32 hydration stations, and distribution of reusable bottles to all staff and students along with campuswide messaging. In less than four months, 150,000 bottles have been diverted from landfills.
  • Blue Team focused on sustainability issues and initiatives.