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Minor curricular changes

Minor curricular changes are generally defined as those changes to individual courses and curricular offerings that do not affect the overall program requirements, including:

  • New elective courses and the deletion of elective courses;
  • Changes to course titles and course descriptions;
  • Changes to course numbers, credit weighting of elective courses, and contact hours in lecture, lab, tutorial or other components;
  • Changes to prerequisites, co-requisites, cross-listed courses, credit restrictions and/or credit exclusions;
  • Changes in the design, mode of delivery, course learning outcomes, teaching and assessment methods of an individual course;
  • Changes to, or the addition of, experiential learning components, which are part of the course delivery; and
  • Other minor changes to individual course offerings that do not affect the overall program requirements

For the policy and procedures associated with minor curricular changes, please see the Ontario Tech's Quality Enhancement Framework.