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Program review two-year timeline

All of our academic programs are on a review schedule that aligns with the two-year timeline found below. 



Year 1, April

  • Proposed Internal Assessment Team form submitted to CIQE

Year 1, May

  • Overview Meeting hosted by CIQE

Year 1, June

  • Review and enhancement of Program Learning Outcomes 

Year 1, June to August

  • Work on Self-Study draft begins

Year 1, August

  • CIQE to send data to Assessment Team

Year 1, November

  • List of potential External Reviewers submitted to the CIQE for review by Provost

Year 1, December

  • Draft of Self-Study completed and presented to CIQE and subsequently presented to Faculty Council for review
  • External Reviewers contacted by CIQE

Year 2, January

  • Revisions to Self-Study completed
  • Final Self-Study and cover letters provided by Dean to CIQE

Year 2, February

  • Self-Study and supporting documents sent to External Reviewers by CIQE

Year 2, March

  • Site visit by External Reviewers

Year 2, April

  • External Reviewers Report submitted

Year 2, May to June

  • Feedback on ERR solicited from program faculty and IAT
  • Preparation of Program and Decanal responses to ERR and Implementation Plan (IP)
  • Feedback on IP solicited through Faculty Council

Year 2, July to August

  • IP reviewed by Academic Resource Committee (ARC)
  • Preparation of Final Assessment Report (FAR) and Executive Summary (ES) by CIQE

Year 2, September to November

  • Reports to USC/GSC, Executive, Academic Council and Board of Governors

Year 3, July

  • Report to Quality Council

If you would like an accessible version of the review timeline, please contact