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Minor program adjustments

Minor program adjustments are defined as changes to program requirements and/or learning outcomes that may require a plan for transitioning cohorts of students to meet different requirements over time, including:

  • New elective courses and the deletion of elective courses;
  • Changes to course titles and course descriptions;
  • Changes to course numbers, credit weighting of elective courses, and contact hours in lecture, lab, tutorial or other components;
  • Changes to prerequisites, co-requisites, cross-listed courses, credit restrictions and/or credit exclusions;
  • Changes in the design, mode of delivery, course learning outcomes, teaching and assessment methods of an individual course;
  • Changes to, or the addition of, experiential learning components, which are part of the course delivery; and
  • Other minor changes to individual course offerings that do not affect the overall program requirements

For the policy and procedures associated with minor program adjustments, please see Ontario Tech's Quality Enhancement Framework.

  • Minor program adjustments: Proposal briefs

    Proposal briefs for minor program adjustments must include the following documentation:

    • Summary of the proposed change, setting out the rationale and context for it.
    • Description of the ways in which the proposed change will enhance the academic opportunities for students, or the issues or challenges that the proposed change are intended to address.
    • If the proposed change involves students/faculty from other programs or courses, provide an account of the process of consultation with those units and measures taken to minimize the impact of the change on students.
    • Timeline for the implementation of the proposed change and transition plan for current students if applicable.
    • Analysis of the financial and enrolment implications.
    • Calendar copy and program maps for the proposed change that clearly highlight the revisions to be made to the existing curriculum.
    • Completed templates for all new courses and changes to existing courses that result from the change.

    To ensure you have all of the appropriate documentation, please fill out the Minor Program Adjustment template.