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Other waste-reduction initiatives

The Office of Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability (OCIS) introduced a Waste Wise campaign aimed at educating students and staff about waste streaming and responsible consumption. Posters can be found across both the north and downtown Oshawa location.

hydration station attached to water fountainIn addition to installing 33 hydration stations, the university distributed reusable bottles to all staff and students along with campus-wide messaging. In less than a year, 150,000 bottles have been diverted from landfills. This initiative will continue and first-year students will be provided with a reusable water bottle. 

In 2014, the university changed its paper supply to only recycled content and wheat-derived products. OCIS is working toward reducing paper use by promoting wise printing.

In 2015, the sustainability offices of Ontario Tech University and Durham College partnered with the Residence Life team for a biannual Thrift Swap event. This is an opportunity for all students, staff and faculty to divert items from the landfill during the hectic holiday and move-out periods by swapping out, donating or recycling them. Stay tuned on the events page for the dates of this event! Click here to view upcoming events!