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Financial Forms

Cheque Requisition Form: To be used if a formal invoice was not received. Examples include: conferences, seminar and course registration fees, honorariums, payroll related items, subscriptions and membership fees. It should not be used for any regular recurring expense.

Concur Profile Request Web Form: To be used to request a Concur account or Concur profile updates (e.g. additional fund/org/activity code access; change of department or approver, removal of fund/org/activity code access).

Delegation of Signing Authority

Expense Reports: Reports used to claim expenses for those without access to Concur.

Personal Cell Phone Reimbursement Form:  An employee can be reimbursed for the use of their personal cellphone/smartphone for Ontario Tech University business. This is at the discretion of the relevant VP and VP Administration.

Vendor Direct Deposit Form

Student Direct Deposit Form: For current Ontario Tech students, please login to MyOntarioTech to update banking information.

Supplier Setup Request Form: Used to set up a new vendor.

Wire Transfer Request Form: Used to pay international students and vendors. 

Banner Finance Detail Code Request: Used to request the creation or modification of a detail code in Banner.

Billing Request Form: Used to have Accounts Receivable create an invoice.

Banner Finance Access Request: Used to request Banner access/withdrawal of funds and organizations.

Banner Finance Account Request: Used to request the creation, modification, reactivation or deactivation of an account in Banner.

Banner Finance Activity Code Request: Used to request the creation or modification on an Activity Code in Banner.

Banner Finance Fund Request: Used to request the creation or modification of a fund in Banner.

Banner Finance ORG Request: Used to request the creation or modification on an ORG in Banner.

MasterCard Application Form

MasterCard Increase Form

Base Asks Form: To be used for all FAST Budget series Base Ask requests.

Budget Adjustment Form: Used to request a transfer of budget dollars.

Journal Entry Form: Utilized to request a transfer of actual charges incurred.

Position Control Changes Form: Used to submit any adjustments to employees.

Responsible Investing Inquiry Requests: process by which members can present concerns regarding the investment holdings

New Contract Control Form: To be used when executing a new contractual agreement with suppliers. Please ensure the Contract Control Form has been signed by the appropriate individuals before sending the contract for final formal senior-level execution.

Waiver of Competitive Procurement

Supplier Setup Request Form: Send completed form to