Research Accounting
Research Accounting is responsible for managing the post-award aspect of research, including financial monitoring, compliance and reporting. Research Accounting is here to support researchers in managing grants, ensuring compliance and financial reporting.
This section contains several tools for the financial administration of research funds. Research Accounting works closely with funding agencies, researchers, administrative units and the Office of Research Services to ensure adherence to funding guidelines and policies.
Overview of grant lifecycle: Post-award
Grant setup
Once a grant has been awarded, Research Accounting will set up the grant in FAST, the university's financial reporting system. Research Accounting provides access information, signing delegation and other information to the Principal Investigator (PI).
Research spending
Eligible expenditures are charged to the grant throughout its lifecycle. PIs are asked to consult the Research Accounting Guideline, as well as Tri-Council guidelines, for information regarding eligibility of expenditures. Ontario Tech University has the right and responsibility to withhold payment of ineligible expenses. Research Accounting reviews expenditures to ensure compliance and appropriate supporting documentation, and works with PIs to resolve issues or concerns. PIs are asked to consult Research Accounting (RA) regarding any areas of uncertainty prior to submission of expense reports.
Grant reporting
Financial reporting requirements vary depending on the type of grant and funding agency. Research Accounting prepares draft financial reports prior to submission to external agencies and review these drafts with the PI(s). Once the PI has approved the draft, Research Accounting will submit the report. Further, Research Accounting prepares audit files, working papers and statements.
Grant closure
When a grant expires or is terminated, it is closed in FAST. Research Accounting communicates with the PI to notify them that the grant has ended, and to ensure that no further spending can occur. Residual balances are administered in accordance with the residual funds policy and procedures. Over-expenditures are administered in accordance with the over-expenditures policy and procedures.
Related links:
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Canada Research Chairs (CRC)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
- Early Researcher Awards (ERA)
- Infrastructure Operating Fund (IOF)
- Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS)
- Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)
- Ontario Research Fund (ORF)