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2024-2025 estimated consolidated operating budget

Considering the aforementioned assumptions, the 2024-2025 estimated consolidated operating budget totals $244.2M. This is 92 per cent of the university total budget which also includes restricted funds ($15.4M or 6 per cent for research and $4.2M or 2 per cent for restricted donations).

An Operating budget is a complex entity. Therefore it is, in turn, further broken down into a series of funds which are each aligned with a primary function (Figure 4).

Figure 4. 2024-2025 estimated consolidated operating statement
Operating Budget Purchased Services Operating-REV Ancillary Fee Budget Infrastructure Capital Commercial Services 2024-25 Proposed Budget
Operating Grants 60,907 - - - 13,500 - 74,407
Other Grants 7,384 - 2,472 221 2,490 - 12,567
Tuition 100,650 - 11,584 - - - 112,234
Student Ancillary Fees 1,619 1,481 137 12,375 2,154 496 18,261
Donations 538 - 2,034 122 - 8 2,702
Other Revenue 5,834 220 11,106 574 - 6,349 24,084
Total Operating Revenues 176,933 1,701 27,332 13,292 18,144 6,853 244,255
Base Expenditures
FT Labour (108,236) (7,651) (6,348) (6,484) - (1,451) (130,170)
PT Labour (11,795) (197) (4,512) (1,488) - (412) (18,403)
OPEX (28,960) (7,541) (15,164) (2,732) (16,501) (4,331) (75,229)
CAPITAL (106) - (9) - (4,644) - (4,759)
Approved Base Expenditures (149,098) (15,388) (26,032) (10,704) (21,145) (6,194) (228,561)
Budget Surplus/(Deficit) before Asks 27,835 (13,688) 1,300 2,588 (3,001) 659 15,694
Base Recommendations (3,434) (410) (1,211) (209) - (322) (5,168)
OTO Recommendations (3,697) - 32 (543) - (50) (4,258)
Capital Recommendations (1,085) - (181) (2,390) - (10) (3,666)
Total Net New Recommendations (8,216) (410) (1,360) (2,723) - (382) (13,092)
Total Expenditures (157,314) (15,798) (27,392) (13,427) (21,145) (6,577) (241,653)
Total CY Budget Surplus/(Deficit) 19,620 (14,098) (60) (135) (3,001) 276 2,602
Funded through PY restricted reserves - - - 373 - - 373
Risk Contingency Fund 2,443 - - - - - 2,443
Total Budget Surplus/(Deficit) 22,062 (14,098) (60) 238 (3,001) 276 5,418