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CRC - Items allowed

This list of examples is not exhaustive. If you are unsure whether an expenditure is eligible, please contact your Financial Analyst.

The incumbent's salary and non-discretionary benefits (including bonuses or merit increases).

The salaries and non-discretionary benefits of members of the incumbent's team (students at all levels, postdoctoral fellows, research associates, technicians, clerks, secretaries, research assistants).

The costs of a teaching replacement for the chairholder only, including compensation to a department for one of its faculty members to teach one or more of the chairholder's courses.

The cost of travel, workshops, computing, expendables, publications, materials and supplies for the chairholder or members of the research team.

Travel and accommodation expenses for speakers invited to research conferences and workshops.

Fees for memberships in professional associations or scientific societies related to the chairholder's field of research.

The cost of professional and technical services. 

Recruitment costs, which may be recovered retroactively, but only for funded chairholders. 

Relocation expenses, including travel costs up to the value of economy airfare for the chairholder and immediate family, and the cost of transporting the family's household effects.

The cost of outfitting research laboratories and office space for the chairholder and his/her team.

Costs associated with the use of computers, modems, software and any other computer-related materials necessary to the conduct of the research.

Monthly charges for use of the Internet from the institution or from the home, only when this service is required for the purpose of research and is not normally provided by the institution free of charge. 

Costs associated with the use of cellular telephones or smartphone devices, only if they are essential for collecting data and can be satisfactorily justified. 

The cost of one return trip between the chairholder's home institution and the sabbatical location. 

The cost to transport research equipment and material from the chairholder's home institution to the sabbatical location.

The cost of acquiring, operating and maintaining research equipment and other resources required for research (not including costs covered by funds received concurrently from CFI). 

Administrative costs related to the chair (for proposal writing, technology transfer, libraries, research services, financial management, human resources). 

Hospitality costs (non-alcoholic refreshments and meals) for networking purposes and other research-related activities.