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Finance and Business Systems

The Finance and Business Systems department is responsible for all finance systems that support the financial management of Ontario Tech University's Finance department.

We have a number of different systems and tools to help serve your financial needs.



The university's enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which maintains student, financial and human resources data.


FAST is a comprehensive self-service administrative software solution for financial reporting, web requisitioning, and budget and forecasting.


Online solution for employee expense reimbursement, corporate credit card reconciliation, and travel booking.


Used to facilitate payments for tuition and fees from debit or credit cards directly to the University.

What we do

  • Provide finance systems administration and security.
  • Maintain overall project management of all major finance systems initiatives.
  • Train all users on Banner Finance and Fast Administrative Support Tools (FAST) modules.
  • Train, set up and administer Concur Travel and Expense.

To register for training for Concur and FAST, please fill out the Finance Systems Training Registration Form

For help or questions, contact