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What is Concur?

  • Concur Travel and Expense Management

    Concur is an automated, integrated online solution for expense management.

    All university employees are able to use Concur Expense for:

    • Reimbursement of any business-related expenses, in addition to travel expenses. Instead of manually completing separate request forms, employees will log into Concur to file all expense claim requests.
    • Tracking and reconciliation of MasterCard expenses.

    By leveraging Concur’s Expense platform, employees will benefit from time-saving and efficiency features such as:

    • receipts upload
    • simple approval process
    • status tracking

    Concur Expense offers a quicker turnaround on processed expense reports, with reimbursements direct-deposited into employee bank accounts in approximately three to five business days after approval. This means the employee will have access to their money faster; time and process efficiencies will also improve for both parties involved in the transaction.

News and Updates

  • New Concur Profile Request Process Web Form - March 2025

    The Concur Profile Request Form is being migrated into a web-based request form. This will streamline Concur profile requests/updates and reduce the number of incomplete request forms by indicating required fields based on the type of request.

    As of March 1 you are required to complete the Concur Profile Request Web Form to request/update a Concur profile. The web form can be used for:

    • A new Concur profile for a limited-term employees and students
    • Update an existing Concur profile for full-time/limited-term employees and students
    • Update an approver for an employee/student
    • Request delegate access to temporarily approve
      • To be used when an approver is away and is unable to set up a delegate themselves.

    The Concur Profile Request Web Form can be completed be an administrator, a Principal Investigator, or a Director, Planning and Operations/budget officer. When completing the form, you will be asked for:

    • Requestor email address
    • Employee/student email address
    • Budget holder email address

    Upon submission, a receipt will be sent to both the requestor and the employee/student. The budget holder will receive an email for review and approval. After the budget holder reviews and digitally signs the submission, the requestor will be notified via email that the submission is ‘in-progress,' and the request will be sent to for processing. The requestor will be informed once the form is processed or if any additional information is needed.

    Please direct any questions to

  • New audit rules for Concur Travel and Expense - December 2024

    The Finance department has implemented new audit rules to assist users in reconciling their out-of-pocket and BMO credit card expenses. Audit rules will add a warning message to an expense report when certain conditions are met on the expense, such as the expense type, vendor, amount, etc.

    New audit rules configured in Concur:

    Amazon expenses warning message

    Users will notice a warning message:

    “For Amazon purchases, please attach a detailed receipt. An order confirmation is not a valid proof of purchase.”

    This message will not clear, regardless of the type of receipt attached. If you have attached the detailed receipt, you can disregard the warning message. The message will not prevent you from submitting your expense report.

    Honorarium expenses

    Users will notice a warning message:

    “Honorariums can only be issued to individuals, and must be less than $500.”

    This message will not clear if the amount of the honorarium is more than $500. The message will not prevent you from submitting your expense report.

    Fuel expenses

    Users will notice a warning message:

    “Fuel expenses are allowable when purchased for a university-owned or rental vehicle.”

    This message will not clear, regardless of what vehicle the fuel was purchased for. If you have purchased fuel for a university-owned or rental vehicle, you can disregard the warning message. The message will not prevent you from submitting your expense report.

    Please direct any questions to

  • Concur Travel and Expense Home Page Redesign - August 2024

    SAP Concur will be launching a refreshed home page experience that features an intuitive design and user-friendly navigation. The new home page design does not change any product functionality.

    By enabling the new home page, you will benefit from:

    • A refreshed modern design
    • Simplified navigation
    • Streamlined user workflows to facilitate faster approval
    • Improved scalability, performance, and responsiveness
    • Brand alignment with other SAP products

    Below are the timelines for when these changes will be made.

    • Starting in late August, users will have the option to enable the new home page through a banner at the top of the home page. Users will also be able to revert to the legacy home page design through the banner.
    • Starting in late October, the new home page will become the default home page users see. Users will still have the option to revert to the legacy home page through the banner.
    • Starting in January 2025, the legacy home page will be retired, and the new home page will be the only option.

    For more information on how to enable the new home page experience, please see the Welcome to the New Concur Home Page document.

    For more information, contact

  • New Visual Theme for Concur Travel and Expense - April 2024

    We will be updating the visual theme of your signed-in web experience for SAP Concur, starting Wednesday, April 10. After that date, the next time you sign into your SAP Concur account, you will see a refreshed look and feel.

    With the update, you’ll also get:

    • Improved design consistency
    • Inclusive, accessible design for everyone
    • Light Mode, Dark Mode, and high contrast theme options

    How do I change my SAP Concur visual theme settings on the web as of Wednesday, April 10?

    1. After signing into Concur Solutions, go to Profile Settings.
    2. Under Profile Options, click System Settings.
    3. Under Appearance Settings, use the drop-down to select your preferred theme and click Save.
  • New email address for Concur support - January 2024

    The Finance department has created a new email address,, to reduce email response time and streamline support requests for the university’s Concur expense management system.

    Use the Concur support email to submit questions about the Concur Profile Request Form, report workflow issues, submit approver changes, and receive support for any other Concur-related inquiries you may have.

    Note: If you’ve already sent your request to, you don’t need resend it to the new Concur support email address.

    For more information, contact

  • Payment confirmations now available - August 2023

    The Finance department has added a new feature to Concur. Expense reports for out-of-pocket expenses since April 1, 2023, now have a new payment status of Payment Confirmed.

    The payment confirmation file is loaded weekly on Fridays, and the status of your expense report will change to Payment Confirmed if the payment was processed by Accounts Payable.

    Reimbursements are paid via direct deposit in five to eight business days after finance approval.

    To receive email notifications when the status of an expense report changes, ensure you have enabled Email Notifications in Expense Preferences under Profile Settings

    Employees, delegates and approvers can review the payment details of Expense Reports in Concur. You can find payment details in the Report Details dropdown under Report Payments.

    The Finance department looks forward to implementing more user-driven features in the future.

  • New Concur User Interface - January 2021

    The university’s Concur expense management system has a new and improved user interface. 

    While most of your expense reporting activities will feel familiar, modernized elements within Concur will make these processes simpler and more intuitive. See the Concur new user interface document for details.

    The Finance department offers online group or individual training. Register for a training session. 

    For more information, contact

Training resources

To request a Concur account or Concur profile updates (e.g. additional fund/org/activity code access; change of department or approver, removal of fund/org/activity code access), complete the Concur Profile Request Web Form. Full-time employees are set up automatically in Concur.

For limited-term employees and students, please see the Expense Reimbursements for Limited Term Employees and Students document for guidelines.

For a guide on how to complete the Concur Profile Request Web Form, please see the Concur Profile Request Web Form Workflow.

Users will receive a welcome package containing login information and training resources once their profile is set up.



For a step-by-step guide on how to login to Concur, please see the Concur Login Instructions.