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Compensation-related expenses

Salaries and related federal, provincial and institutional non-discretionary benefits for work performed by research personal that contribute towards the direct cost for which the funds are awarded shall be in accordance with institution policies and meet the following conditions as applicable.

Stipends* paid to trainees (e.g., undergraduate, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows) shall be in accordance with institutional policies, and must meet the following conditions as applicable:

  • For those with a PhD degree (or equivalent), the maximum period of support is three years and candidates will only be eligible for support until the end of their fifth year of post-PhD training.
  • For those with a health professional degree who are not enrolled in a graduate degree program, the maximum period of support is four years.
  • For those with a health professional degree who are enrolled in a graduate degree program, the maximum period of support to complete the degree is five years and includes funding received to complete a master's degree or non-degree research training.
  • Clerical salaries directly related to dissemination activities, including manuscript preparation.
  • Salary allowance or time allowance, only when included in a particular funding opportunity.
  • Honoraria for guest lecturers.
  • Fees paid for the purpose of participant recruitment, such as modest incentives to consider participation (i.e., to establish a potential participant pool), where approved by a research ethics board.
  • Fees paid to research participants, such as modest incentives for participation, where approved by a research ethics board.
  • Consulting fees.
  • Subcontract costs.

  • * Agencies defer to Canada Revenue Agency requirements.

  • Persons paid from agency grants are not considered agency employees, scholars or fellows.
    Institutional non-discretionary benefits normally include:

    • long- and short-term disability insurance
    • life insurance
    • pension benefits
    • medical, vision and dental care benefits
    • parental leave

    Institutional non-discretionary benefits must not contravene agency guidelines.

    Grant funds may also be used to supplement salaries or stipends received by trainees from other sources, such as other agency grants and individual training awards.

    Trainees may be hired as research personnel on a grant (normally on a part-time basis, i.e., hourly) and/or be paid a stipend from a grant (in which case the work done is part of the training of the student and constitutes the thesis or comparable academic requirement).

    Trainees and research associates may receive a salary and/or stipend on grants including those on which they are co-applicants.