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Socioeconomic Pathways and Regional Distribution of the World’s 101 Largest Cities

Posted by Mehdi Hosseini on January 28, 2014

Regional trends in population, urbanization, resource availability and scarcity, as well as economic growth and decline are often best observed in...

Filed under: Sustainability 101

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Why Running a City is Like Paddling a Canoe?

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on January 24, 2014

Canadians are supposed to be good in a few things: skating, painting trees and rocks, welcoming newcomers, writing engaging stories that surely...

Filed under: Sustainability 101

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The Old Man is Snoring

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on January 23, 2014

‘It’s raining, it’s pouring. The old man is snoring.’ Truth be told, I apparently snore, and I suppose I’m not that...

Filed under: Sustainability 101

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Peak Waste and Poverty – A Powerful Paradox

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on January 23, 2014

Urbanization is the most powerful force shaping the planet today. This can be good news as urbanization is the best bet we have to meet our global...

Filed under: Sustainability 101

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