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Cheer Up. The Hard Part’s Over.

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on January 03, 2024

This image depicts James Hansen, the NASA scientist who likely has done more to raise awareness about climate change than anyone, being arrested in front of the White House in 2011.

Recently a fourth-year engineering student asked me, “so, how much trouble are we in?” With earth systems out of whack, like climate...

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Taxing the World’s Patience

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on November 24, 2023

Canada’s place in the world (population size and make-up, economy, geography) requires a deft hand to navigate increasingly turbulent waters. We behave as if we are in a large ship on a mostly calm sea, when we are in a small(ish) canoe on a rushing river.

As Canada’s carbon tax appears to be going up in flames as fast as fossil fuels on a cold winter day, it may be worth asking what we get in...

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Sustainability Round Two: The Women’s Match

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on September 28, 2023

Women seem to spend less time fighting each other and focus more on the broader sustainability battle at-hand.

Last month the men’s Sustainability Round One match featured Vaclav Smil versus Noah Yuval Harari. When trying to come up with a similar...

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Sustainability Match Round One: Vaclav Smil versus Yuval Noah Harari

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on September 06, 2023

The thrust and parry of the sustainability debate is well-argued in the writings of two men, Vaclav Smil and Yuval Noah Harari. This image depicts the two authors in a boxing ring.

The thrust and parry of the sustainability debate is well-argued in the writings of two men: Vaclav Smil[1] versus Yuval Noah Harari[2],[3]. Yuval...

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The Eleventh Commandment

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on July 27, 2023

The Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not distort, delay, or sequester information

Dana Meadows, likely the world’s most appreciated systems engineer and champion of sustainability, suggested an Eleventh Commandment: Though...

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The Year of Living – (sort of) Radical Sabbatical Musings on Sustainability

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on July 01, 2023

Measuring Sustainability

One of the best perks of academia is the sabbatical; a year to think and write. The first leave is typically granted after acquiring tenure, and...

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The Urgent Need for Canadian Cooperation

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on May 06, 2020

Two hockey players fist fighting

As President Obama, Bono and the back wall of Indigo said, the world needs more Canada. This may be true but first the world, and Canada, need a...

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Earth Day 2020

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on April 20, 2020

View of Earth from Space

Fifty years ago, on 22 April 1970, only a few days after Apollo 13 failed to reach the moon but returned safely to earth, 20 million Americans...

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Lessons learned from the past

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on February 11, 2020

WWII soldiers

Preparing for history to repeat One of the largest collections of books on World War II is now available at Bearly Used Books in Parry Sound,...

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Cities key to Canada's success

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on November 29, 2019

Woman in Montreal

As the dust from the federal election settles, a familiar picture emerges. Canada’s cities have again chosen a different path from the rest...

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