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Tokyo, Japan

PART 1:  Definition of Megacity 2001 2006 2011 Comments
Brinkhoff population (2010) 34,000,000
Population 33,418,366 35,622,000 Year 2000 Wikipedia; Yr 2010
Population growth rate 2001-11 6.59
GDP (millions) 
>GDP (PPP adjusted US dollars, millions)  1,139.71  World Bank 2008 
*10-year growth rate in GDP 2001 to 2011 (%) 
Formal gov't for metro area (yes/no)?
> 1 coordinating bodies (yes/no)?
PART 2:  Biophysical Characteristics 2001 2006 2011 Comments
Land area (km2)
Urbanized area (km2)
Heating degree days 1,594.00
Cooling degree days 227.00
Annnual precipitation (mm) 1,479.50 Tokyo JMA station, WMO ID = 47662
Annual solar radiation (k Wh/m2)
Building gross floor area (m2) - total 1,723,870,000
>total per capita 48.39
>residential 1,298,500,000 yr 2008
>residential per capita 36.45
>commercial & institutional 347,650,000 commercial (yr 2003)
>industrial 77,720,000 public national and provincial (yr 2005)
PART 3:  Urban Metabolism 2001 2006 2011 Comments
Energy (Stationary) Year 2010
Electricity consumption (GWh) - renewable 310.28
Electricity consumption (GWh) - grid 240,472.50
Electrical line losses (GWh)
*Total electricity consumption (GWh) 240,782.78
*Total electricity consumption (TJ) 866,818.00
*10-year growth rate 2001-2011 (%)
Natural gas (TJ) 7,319.00
Fuel oil (TJ)
Coal (TJ) 62,250.00
Biomass/biofuels (TJ)
Other 177,151.00 LPG
229,914.00 coal products
446,103.00 Town gas
124,862.00 heat
*Total energy consumption (heating + ind. fuels) (TJ) 0.00 0.00 1,047,599.00
*Total energy consumption (res & comm heating) (TJ)
Energy (Mobile) Year 2010
Gasoline (TJ) 459,236.00
Diesel (TJ) 188,218.00
Jet fuel (TJ)
Marine fuel (TJ)
*Total energy consumption (transportation) excl. marine/jet fuel (TJ) 647,454.00
*10-year growth rate #DIV/0!
*Total energy consumption (stationary + mobile) (TJ) 2,561,871.00
*2011 total 2,561,871.00
*2006 total
**2001 total
*10-year growth rate 2001-2011 (%) #DIV/0!
Consumption (ML) -- excluding line losses 4,186,439.73 scaled by population
Line losses (ML)
>Line losses as a percentage of consumption (%)
*Total water consumption (ML) excluding line losses 0.00 0.00 4,186,439.73
*Total water consumption (ML) including line losses 0.00 0.00 4,186,439.73
Production (ML)
Production - surface water (ML)
Production - ground water (ML)
*10-year growth rate in water consumption 2001-2011 (%) #DIV/0!
Volume (ML) 7,306,034.88 7,292,750.01 6,366,960.26 scaled by population
Loading (kt BOD)
Solid waste disposal - land (Kt) 2,051.09 2,882.62 1,609.66
Waste incineration (Kt) 13,048.17 11,963.83 10,833.43
*Total solid waste disposal (kt) 15,099.26 14,846.45 12,443.09
*10-year growth rate in solid waste disposal 2001-2011 (%) -17.59
Electricity sources
Coal (%)
Oil (%)
Natural gas (%)
Hydropower (%)
Nuclear (%)
Off-site wind (%)
Off-site solar (%)
GHG emissions factor (t CO2e / GWh)
Electricity consumption (2011)
residential (%)
commercial/institutional (%)
industrial (%)
transportation (%)
Stationary energy consumption (2011)
residential (%)
commercial/institutional (%)
industrial (%)
Materials (2011)
Building materials
>net import (Kt)
>production (Kt)
>consumption (Kt)
>net import (Kt)
>production (Kt)
>consumption (Kt)
>net import (Kt)
>production (Kt)
>consumption (Kt)
>net import (Kt)
>production (Kt)
>consumption (Kt)
>net import (Kt)
>production (Kt)
>consumption (Kt)