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Canada Not Yet Making the Electric Vehicle Grade

Posted by Michelle Cholak on November 15, 2016

Province-by-province EV Policy Report Card finds insufficient support for electric cars

Canadian provinces are not doing enough to get electric vehicles on the road, according to a new report from Simon Fraser University’s...

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The shifting power of cities

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on October 03, 2016

City buildings

Population predictions for the world’s largest cities in the 21st century (Part 2 of 2): New figures show the population of the world’s...

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Cities on the twenty-ninth day

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on October 03, 2016

Water lillies covering a pond

Population predictions for the world’s largest cities in the 21st century (Part 1 of 2): rapid urbanisation, if managed sustainably, could...

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The City: Where Hope Trumps Fear

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on August 05, 2016

Civility is the glue that holds together the bricks and steel of cities, and needs to be constantly nurtured.

There are two important vantage points in every city – one from the rooftops and penthouses down, the other, from the ground up.Few are...

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The Brexit Vote: A Cities’ Perspective

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on July 05, 2016

The result of the British referendum to withdraw from the European Union will likely give rise to a renewed global role for cities.

From the 14th to 17th Century, a collection of cities made up the Hanseatic League in what is now northern Europe. Stretching more than 2000 km...

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Making of a miracle – Canada’s approach to carbon-free energy

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on March 10, 2016

Last December the world got a better understanding of the enormity of our energy challenge. In the year leading up to the Paris meeting, the...

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The powerful business case for sustainability

Posted by Michelle Cholak on March 02, 2016

With an investment of $46,186 between 2006 and 2008 to improve energy efficiency in his facility, Paul Rak, president of industrial capital...

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The world's 10 biggest cities in 2050

Posted by Michelle Cholak on February 29, 2016

The global population will grow at an unprecedented rate in the next century and research is being conducted by UOIT associate professor Daniel...

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Why companies are embracing the new sustainability imperative

Posted by Michelle Cholak on February 17, 2016

Business leaders are paid to focus on the bottom line, and they should. They acknowledge that environmental and social concerns deserve attention,...

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The stars align again for Oshawa – Electric vehicles on the rise

Posted by Daniel Hoornweg on January 25, 2016

People looking to the night skies this month have been treated to a rare alignment of the planets. Looking a little farther out on the horizon we...

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UOIT hosts Electric Vehicles in Ontario Workshop

Posted by Michelle Cholak on January 18, 2016

With the world promising to limit global warming to less than 2°C above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, we need to explore...

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UOIT Breakfast Briefing explores Paris climate agreements

Posted by Michelle Cholak on January 14, 2016

Leaders from 195 countries reached a landmark agreement in December at the United Nations’ 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) that aims...

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